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Eric Extreme Expresses Friday, May 2 2003 - Backyarders

This is a message I posted on an Austrailian Indy Fed Message Board.

I think it would be good to use for this week's Eric Extreme Expresses.

I can not begin to fathom why people whom are fans of the wrestling business, like backyards, would want to hurt the business by putting on events and classify them as professional wrestling. I wouldn't have an issue if they called it backyard. That would separate them from the big boys. I got sick and tired of a local backyard fed hurting the local Indy business by claiming to be professional and putting on bad shows. So I got them shut down from running public events. In the US there are commissions to protect the Indy federations from backyards claiming to be professional.

Backyards need to classify their shows as backyard shows and advertise them as such. Mimicking what you see on television is not professional by a long shot and it shows. People wanting to get into the business need to go to a reputable school and get properly trained.

I give backyarders credit for having the heart for the business, but backyard is bad business when they claim to be professional. There is nothing professional about backyard wrestling. It is hurtful to the business when a backyard Feds claim to be professional. Backyarders hurt what they seem to hold so dear. The professional wrestling business. They are only hurting themselves in the long run. The time will come when they decide to get professionally trained. Then they can work on real professional wrestling shows. But, then they wonder why there are many empty seats. Its because backyard Feds give really professional Feds a bad name by pretending to be one.

Have your fun. Wrestle in a backyard. Heck put on a show but label it as backyard.

Leave the professional wrestling to the professionals. Have your fun. But don't demean the business that you love in an attempt to make a name for yourselves before your time comes to shine in the pros after you have been properly trained by a reputable school. Just bide your time until that time in your life comes. Help the business. Don't ruin it for yourselves and others. Be mature. Don't try to bring down the big guys with childish behavior. Accept the business for what it is and work with it. Not against it.

Until next time keep it extreme.

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