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WAM Corporate WAM Corporate


Wrestling Alliance of Mayhem is a non-profit corporation

Federal ID # 14-1881344

( tax exemption status is pending )


is governed by a Board of Directors. Here is a list of the Board of Directors.


Bob "Vicious Virgin" Case


Chief Executive Officer



Eric "Extreme" Goldberg


Chief Financial Officer


Vice President - Financial Management

Lee-Ann Malloy

Working under the Board of Directors listed a team of department Department Chiefs and their staffs.

All employees of WAM are completely on a voluntary basis, and no one is compensated in any way for their time and work. However, some high profile talent are brought into the events and may be compensated and this is done on a case by case, event by event basis at the disgression of WAM Board of Directors if they feel paying the high profile talent will benefit the event in a positive manner.

WAM is a independent professional wrestling federation whom is one of the very few federations remaining in the country that is not out to make a profit for its promoter. WAM is a non-profit corporation whos purpose is to give a stage for local indpendent professional wrestling talent a stage to show off their talent to the public. While doing this WAM raises funds for worth while charities and organizations. WAM is in the process of filling for non-profit organization status with the state and federal governments.

Here is a list of previous events held by WAM.

June 13, 2003 Holy Name High School Worcester  HNHS Sports Field 120+
April 4, 2003 Worcester State College  Worcester  WSC Baseball Team** 350+
April 21, 2001 Worcester State College  Worcester  Why Me Inc. 600+
February 5, 2001 Worcester State College  Worcester  WSC Baseball Team 400+
May 2, 2000 Army National Guard  Worcester  WAM Promotion* 300+
March 15, 2000 Palladium  Worcester  WAM Promotion* 400+
January 28, 2000 South High School  Worcester  Firefighters Memorial Fund 400+ 
October 8, 1999 Palladium  Worcester  C.O.T.A. 650+
August 1, 1999 Army National Guard  Worcester  WAM Promotion* 300+
February 20, 1999 Worcester State College  Worcester  WSC Baseball Team 400+

 * = Event done to promote WAM. Event procedes were used to purchase equipment and supplies and fund future events and their associated costs.

 ** = Also benefited "Station Fund" and WSC Nursing Department

 *** = Show hasn't occurred yet. Attendence will be posted after the day of the event.

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professional wrestling federation, wrestling federation, WAM Wrestling

Copyright ©2003 Wrestling Alliance of Mayhem. All rights reserved. - WAM Wrestling - professional wrestling federation